Many would have came across a reflexology massage at some point of time in their life. After all, it is perhaps the most common massage therapy offered in parlours, aside from shiatsu. Many enjoyed it, but do you actually know what it does to your body and overall health and wellbeing? 


What Reflexology Massage Is

If you don’t already know, reflexology massage is the application of pressure on the reflex points of the body, which mainly lie on the hands and feet as these two body parts have the majority of pressure points. 


This is actually an ancient-old technique, believed to have originated from China with stone carvings and charts showing the presence of it at that period of time. Regardless, it has evolved into being a staple in massage packages across spas and parlours, you can even have that in the comfort of your own home nowadays.


How It Benefits Your Health 

Why reflexology is so beneficial to a person’s overall health is due to the improved blood circulation that it promotes. You have probably read about this being one of the main health benefits of massage, well yes, that’s the reflexology technique to be exact.


By applying pressure unto these points, certain electrical channels are allowed to open up. You see, these channels may have “closed” over time due to particular physical and emotional imbalances a person has to go through throughout his/her lifetime, be it from stress, anxiety or any other negative emotion. 


Let us give you an example – foot massage. Foot reflexology is probably the most famous technique ever with many think it a daunting session to undergo because of the pain that associates with it. And this is precisely where we’re coming from in terms of “closed” channels.


If you feel pain while certain pressure points on your feet were being pressed, it actually indicates the presence of an imbalance in your body as a result of ‘closure’ of a particular channel(s). In a way, it tells that there is a particular health condition that you need to pay attention to. 


This is why different people have different experience, with some claiming tenderness while others exclaimed in pain when they received massage on the foot because different people have different health conditions. If you don’t experience any discomfort, congratulations, you must have a really healthy body.  


Nevertheless, when these channels are opened up (through reflexology), blood is able to flow inside your body more effectively. Needless to say, this improves your health which will reflect in your everyday functioning. You will also find yourself less susceptible to stress.


People who suffer from regular migraines are amongst the group who is able to most see and experience the benefits of reflexology massage. This is because pain is involved when they experience one of these episodes. When regular reflexology treatment is received, one will find that these migraine attacks come lesser and lesser, with their pain severity decreasing gradually each time. 


So although migraines are characterized as acute attacks, the condition can last chronically. If you do not want to suffer from it for a lifetime, try incorporating regular reflexology massage into your daily lifestyle. You will see the difference.


Likewise for those suffering from constipation, you may consider this technique to end your woes once and for all. This is because with improved blood circulation that comes from reflexology, all parts of the body will benefit from such efficient circulation. Your digestive system is not exempted – reflexology will ‘correct’ your digestion and peristalsis system so that they can resume in a normal manner.  


For common problems like neck, shoulder or back pain, the effects of reflexology massage can be instantaneous. You will feel the immediate relief of aches when the right pressure points are pressed. This is why many get so addicted to massages because it makes them feel good after a long day’s work. Now you know what goes behind that ignites this feeling.


So yes, reflexology massage is beneficial to your wellbeing in an overall way. It all comes from one simple basis – improved blood circulation. The good news is that you can now combine reflexology with a variety of other massage techniques to reap the most benefits out of massages, all at the comfort of your own home, with your own massage chair. 


Find out how you can do that with just less than $1,000.